Had a lovely morning at Once a sheep my Local yarn shop. The were some different faces because it is the school holidays now and the Wednesday morning regulars mostly have children so they don't get chance to come but the lovely ladies who are teachers get the chance to come so that's great for me to catch up with some of the girls I usually only see on spin Saturdays or Guild days...

Clyde Coast Guild of Weavers Spinners and Dyers group, a very newly formed guild of like minded ladies who live along the Clyde coast...
So how has life been for me.... Well the pain of my gall stones are yukky and had a wee visit to Hospital last night so no sleep for me and lots of meds again.... still not settled this evening again... erm cant go back tonight honest I cant.
Mum came round to help me with some company this afternoon and we had a right wee laugh about the daftness of me getting her to make me a cuppa because I had wet fingernails lol madness.... Nails are lovely deep brownish red... will try get photos...

Only other things managed today was to finish the back on the Debbie Bliss bow jacket, start the sleeves...

And then cast on the bow crop top/shrug in lace weight purple a beautiful gift from my spoiler in the last Diana Gabaldon outlander swap on Ravelry.... [www.ravelry.com]..
Now Ravelry is the best on line media forum for knitters spinners and weavers and well it must be one of the most influential tools for the latest resurgence in the creative fibre arts with its thousands of patterns lots are free and also forums with interested parties from people who like to knit socks to those who are fans of particular books or authors...
With Ravelry and youtube well your every crafting question will be answered..... I learnt so many techniques from watching youtube videos and well with out Ravelry I would never have knit so many cool things over the last 4 years..
Today I also managed to get all the ironing done with the intention of doing the packing for going off to England on Friday morning... Ironing done but as to packing well not really its almost all sorted just some final touches needed late tomorrow evening..
I am excited about my wee trip back down south of the border as it will involve a reunion of the old school Nats (nottingham all terrain Cycling club) and well cant really wait to spend some quality time with Genoveva Butty Jim, Jeremy and Annetta, the palmer men, Karl of gnome fame, Paul and Jane to name only a few... Malc and Julie and kids too Mr Fisk ok ok I shall stop listing everyone who most of you dont know and probably dont care who they are.... I do big time...
Some of the mottly crew back in the day....
Mr Palmer was a real gent to ride with he would always drop back down the formation and come along side me (on back of tandem mountain bike) and crack jokes and generally make me feel amazing for biking with the club....
Jeremy well He is Jeremy the wonderful slightly excentric amazingly amusing great pal and best man extradinar of ours and his wonderfully bright fun wife who makes such amazing bread she could win prizes internationally.
Genoveva and Butty jim and wee ones are flying in from the States they have been over for a couple of years and we miss them so much. Genoveva is incrediably elegant and sophisticated and Jim is famous not only for his cooking but his ability to produce the most perfectly formed sandwiches from absolutely nowhere while on a bike ride with not a sandwich squashed or even slightly smudged....The gang have always believed that his mum would go around the route the night before and place the sandwiches in strategic places in a stealth like way.... one to be admired of course because biking and butties well they go to gether like strawberry's and cream...... along with lovely tea rooms and big pieces of cake.. nom nom
Mr Dexter the time warp king and stuntman on wheels who is a talented bike builder with Cotic and Jane another amazingly stylish and elegant lady who can go and ride hard with the boys but come off the hillside with good makeup and no helmet hair a total mystery for me those skills. Make up ends up down my cheeks by half way up the first climb out of the carpark so is never worn anymore and well helmet hair is also a given for me. Not only while biking but now after a session skiing I find that I am not the envy of anyone when the helmets removed and my hair is plastered to my scalp and well looks like its been through a storm...lol
Here is Paul with his long hair still
Karl of gnome fame is well some one who we havent seen in 10years but his gnome is the only wedding present we have left after the fire and that was because I had taken him to see some other gnomes at wee Emilidh's house (Emily Calcraft my gorgeous granddaughter). Karl the gnome is due back this summer when Milton is fit for habitation again..
Malc and Julie well Malc is often on line in the early mornings so we have had a chat or two before his day starts and Julie we have met twice at Fort William when we are passing and they have come up for some fun and riding up here....
Young Mr Palmer is yetiboy and a thouroughly nice man who is bonkers about yeti bikes and well when I first met him he was a wee lad who was good on his bike... well hes a grown up now and still good on his bike....lol dont you hate the fit ones....lol
Mr Fisk is a great guy who I personally havent met that often but Rob has always spoke of highly so who I am hoping to get to know well this weekend....
There are one or two of the old crew not able to join us but we will endeavour to catch up with Big Mark, Clive Jo and Elaine this year if they make a trip up to Glen tress etc...
So this is the wee group of friends we are lucky enough to be catching up with for the weekend, before a trip down to Nottingham and visit to Janet's for the week and more catching up with friends how lucky are we.... its been a long time since we made it down to England and this reunion is a really fantastic start to a weeks holiday....

Not all of us for various reasons are going to be able to actually pedal a bike but that doesnt mean we wont be having fun trust me when we all get together well Hathersage residents might just wonder what and who they have let into their pretty village....
Well it is late ops early in the morning of April 5th 2012, my pain killers are keeping the pain to a level 6 at the moment which is a bit sore for sleeping however I think it must be time for a wee bit of knitting and a podcast listen...
Hope you have enjoyed my ramblings and memories.