Any way I want this to be real smooth to make them take notice that if I was left to it then the rebuild of Milton would have been a lot less hassle ..........splutter OK so that's not strictly true or even likely lol
Well got there and the chippy was there and well a wee word in his shell like meant that he will box in the room to the correct size so the sink unit will fit against the wall and not stick out over the door way...which I think would have happened if I hadn't been there today and measured it to make sure it would fit once again.... I have to point out here that Milton never ever had a square corner or flat straight wall or edge now that didn't bother me but what has been an real eye opener is that the builders have to be square and true but it blinking well means that they seem to be chipping away at the size of every room and well if they had chipped too much off the outside wall space in the kitchen well the kitchen wouldn't fit against the long wall... not going to happen for sure now after my nice wee word in the perfectly formed shell like....
here is a picture of the Ikea red Kitchen not the layout we are doing but just to wet your appetites
Oh and a big thanks to the builders this week who have also acted as mail receivers as ops on my part ordered some really nice nighties, new knickers etc for my up and coming hospital stay and well I had a blonde moment (note not a senior moment but a blonde moment), all our mail has been redirected from day 1 to us where ever we are... well I ordered my things from Asda and Rob told me last night that it had been delivered the day before...."Errr nope no new things here"... "what address did you put on it Sandy?" "doh |Milton of course I say" ........Cough from Rob and then "Erm think the parcels come by courier here darling not by redirection!. Big clang as the dustbin lid hit my hand in shock.............. oh oh...
So when there this morning I asked very nicely erm has the postie left me anything? and yep the builders mate said " Aye hen here it is...." Bless him he had it under his coat trying to stop too much builders dust covering it.... lol So alls well....though I did have to say that some thing else was due very soon ordered the same day by the same idiot who forgot that the parcels weren't redirected... and yep I did fess up it was
Here are a couple of pics of the lovely long nighties I have for languishing around in hospital
no idea why they are so blurred sorry but you get the idea.... and knickers are knickers and well you don't need a picture of them lol
So the start of the day went awesomely well so decided it was a good day for getting things done.... I came back and made a huge slow cooker pot of quorn Chilli, and a casserole pot of quorn Bolognaise and a chicken sweet and sour and set them all off... also set the dry fruit a steeping for the fat free spicy apple and fruit cake to be baked tomorrow ready for a weekend away...must make one to take to OAS one day and then I can eat some cake there
So the flat smells gorgeous really yummy tonight...
When the sun came out I was to be found out in the flat car park up to my elbows in suds washing Vinnie inside and out everywhere got done today.... Even inside the upper canopy, I climbed up on the seat, then up on the sink, and up onto the sliding bed top and crawled about inside washing and wiping and generally making Vinnie feel loved... the old winter curtains are up again but with the funky new ones hanging on the outside of them so that he looks funky but in fact will be warm at night when the temperature drops as
I have now done Gaelic homework, handwriting practice with Emilidh and sat down jiggered... but totally happy with my days achievements.... I have done so little in a day for ages with feeling so unwell all the time...
However there are few pictures taken today so will have to scratch my head and see what I can add to spice this post up a
So you will realise I did find a few wee pics to add to the page to make it look a bit interesting.... of now to have a wee cuppa I think I deserve one after the fun packed day I have had today see you all again soon
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