Wednesday 20 June 2012

Excited who me....

Well its the night before I go off to Woolfest in Cockermouth.  I am so excited about going that I am almost unable to sleep, I say almost as I do feel my eyes getting tired now I have decided to write about it... typical...

Anyway Woolfest for my close fibre loving friends and myself is an annual outing and we generally manage to go to the theatre too in Keswick while down in in the Lake District... This year  due to various health issues with us we are not making the theatre but that is all good because it will mean we can sit around with other friends and just knit and spin along together and also we can partake of a little beverage or you do.

So what am I expecting to see and buy at Woolfest.... If I am honest I am not sure really.  I would love to get a bit of fleece for spinning I still have only 200 grams of tops for spinning and also a wee bit 300 grams of Alpaca so my fibre stash is seriously empty.  So some nice mixes of fibre would be good to gather into my stash...

Yarn oh now that's a big one, I am always always wanting more yarn and I love going to wool festivals to enable this... What specific yarn to I really need............ well none really though I am after knitting at least a couple of shawls for my holiday in November and well I can always do with some extra mitts and cowls and well I am short of a shrug or two... so as you can tell I am wanting yarn for a few things... have I actually worked out what patterns in advance so I know what yarn to get... not yet maybe I will get that done tonight I am to try....

I would also like to get a few nice buttons to start a new button box to take back into Milton when she is ready for inhabiting in about 3 weeks... I am also about to do an envelope swap so will be on the look out for one or two items to place in that for my very special spoilee....

So here I am shattered and needing some sleep and yet I am so excited that I can't actually sleep lol would you believe that a 54year old woman could be so silly..................... OK you can because I think most of you who read my blog are knitters and well you really understand this fascination with all things sheepy...

Will see you all the other side and well I may have a picture or two  lol


  1. Ooooh, must needs send you some buttons for your button box, then. I inherited 3 generations of treasures and I know the importance of a button box..

  2. aw wow that would be nice thank you so much... yes the loss of my button box was difficult but I am looking forward to starting a new one and a wee button from you would be lovely thanks...perhaps I should mention over on rav for the envelope swap...


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