Tuesday 19 June 2012

It seems to have clicked today

So it is the week of Woolfest,http://www.woolfest.co.uk/ the wool and fibre event of the year for me and my knitting pals... we tend to all head down to Cockermouth for this annual affair and if I am honest its not looked like this would happen for so many of us this year what with hospitals and illnesses and bad backs husbands being ill and well many many other issues but here I am on the Tuesday with only 2 sleeps to go and its looking good...woo hoo..

I have adapted what I am taking, so no spinning wheel this year, unable to carry it so soon post operation, and also not even sure if I could spin yet anyway as concentration levels are at an all time low.... however I am now pondering what wee item to take with me to knit... I was going to start a Hap shawl but decided that it maybe a bit to heavy to carry around all day while looking at stalls then going and sitting down to rest and wiping it out would be good but well if it is too heavy well perhaps that isn't a good thing... So what to take with me to knit in the car on the way, and also to knit in the evenings while all partaking of some gin...or wine or what ever takes our fancy... it really is a quandary... I have also got lined up for future knitting a camper van doorstop and that might be an option....oh I am so indecisive... Any way I hear you all shouting what is this wee post about.... It seems to have clicked today...

What the title is referring to today was Emilidh (Gaelic spelling of Emily) my granddaughter, came this evening after school to do her homework which is her reading mainly but also can be her writing practice too... Anyway she is a bright wee thing and nearing the end of her P1 year... She is in the Gaelic medium school and most days when we do the reading.. (bare in mind my Gaelic is not the best and I rely on www.gaelic4parents.com for help with our pronunciation), anyway most days she has learnt the book really when they all read along together she is almost word perfect at times but it is rote to be honest as all learners are... well today she was most definitely reading every word... No it wasn't as fluid, yes she stumbled with part words coming out but she stopped looked again and read the actual words... wow was I proud of my gorgeous wee Emilidh...It Seems to have Clicked...

Thank you Ann-Marie and Andy for trusting your wee one to my care with reading and other homework I find this a privilege and such fun...


Well today like most of the last couple of weeks after my operation my concentration is low and well all I have managed today is to do.  The stitch picking up along one side of the Crow Waltz scarf.  This is almost finished it needs this side cast off and the stitches on the other side picking up and 3 rows of garter stitch doing then cast off too... with only the blocking to do after that... so tomorrow should see that project finished....

And a few rounds of Lindsay's leg warmers - which are still not really floating my boat and with that in mind I am tempted to do no more till I see if she is happy with what's been done so far because if she isn't its pointless to carry on... I am knitting them with Noro silk garden sock yarn but not really feeling the love this time.

So knitting today has been spasmodic but that's OK and I am OK with that as I am only 3 weeks tomorrow post operation and well didn't expect to be doing much more than this at this point... so all is good...

Now what to take to Woolfest?

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