Sunday 24 June 2012

woolfest day 2

Well we had breakfast in the room and then headed out to be near the front of the queues again... The weather decided to be very very kind to us and not rain while we were waiting, the organisers also let us into the cafe to wait so I was able to wait sitting down a real bonus.. And the doors opened and once again the senses were treated to a massive dose of sensory overload... I went along with Jo and Ali for a we while each of us sharing something we found the day before and all of us hoping that what ever it was, was still there for us to share... I went along to YarnYard again so that I could add a few more silks to my newly gathering momentum stash of silks for tatting and braiding... Ange you enabler... lol.  I also went to the Braiding guild to purchase a braiding wheel kit for myself, Emilidh and of course Jo and Ali... It was then time to go and have a look along A aisle this was a whole aisle which was made up of stall from the Wool Clip ladies.  This is an award winning co-operative of 15 ladies  who formed in 2001 and run a thriving shop in Caldbeck and I believe where instigating in forming Woolfest

There are so many peoples work that I really should highlight but for this post I am going to highlight the work of only one artist..Joss Wrigg this lady does woollen sculptures and well I was totally in awe of her work!sculpture ... I have taken a couple of photo's of some of her work but they are not good on the phone camera so I advice you to follow this link and look for yourselves.

While wondering along this aisle I found and chatted to Janet Renouf-Miller....... the lovely talented spinner dyer who was instrumental in beginning my spinning career..she was volunteering at a stall and in return was promoting her book... This is a fantastic how to book on spinning and if I am honest the only book you would ever need...its put together in such a easy to follow way that you cant possibly not find the information you need and want instantly and is my bible for spinning I really cant recommend it enough. If you want to know more go along to Janets website or buy her book from all the usual places its called How to Spin Just about Anything and the isbn numbers are:
 ISBN-10: 0956675107

 ISBN-13: 978-0956675101

I then couldn't resist a wonderful plait of Jacob fleece and well also a few wee button badges from a very nice man who had lovely fibre too... more on that with pics when I can get my stuff unloaded and pictures

The rest of my time on Saturday at Woolfest was spent sat in the entertainment area watching the clog dancers and listening to the lovely music and just chatting to friends past and present... One of my favourite things about going to a wool festival is that you get the chance to meet with friends you only ever see at wool festivals and or through Ravelry.. I was lucky to meet up with quite a few who I hadn't thought I would meet but was hoping to and one of those had to be the lovely Kazz.  It was pure coincidence that the shawl I was wearing with pride was the one she made for me after our fire last year.  It was perfect for the coolness of the show ground/cattle market atmosphere of Woolfest and well it also meant she saw me from a distance and tracked me down... Kazz wish I could have chatted with you longer but knew you needed to go shopping and well you were not feeling the best I could tell.... hugs my lovely spoiler friend hope you feel brand new soon....

We then left fairly early so that Jo could go to Manchester to visit her brother in hospital who only the day before had a brain tumour removed.... But if honest was ready for a rest anyway so it was no hardship to go back to the travel lodge and have a wee sleep....Ok it was a big sleep both Ali and I slept till after 6.30pm ops.. We ended up having to eat at the travel lodge and well the food was passable at best but it filled a need so we are grateful to the lovely staff for serving us... We then found ourselves along at room 12 for a nice evening of spinning knitting and chatting, though a lot less chatting was had as everyone was bushed and also was concentrating on all the lovelies they had bought that day... Karen and Seona were off as the Football started as avid footie watchers they took their wheels down to the public area and sat spinning while cheering the game... have to say its not a sport I watch much or even enjoy but was so nice to see two lovely fibre loving ladies cheering a penalty...think it was anyway lol.

The evening ended fairly early and much more sedate than the previous one and then back to our room we went and followed shortly later by Jo who had made it to Manchester and back in one piece through all the flood warnings and although shattered seemed much happier for having seen and spoken to her brother in person... Isn't medical science wonderful he will hopefully be discharged from hospital tomorrow Monday to recover at home... amazing.

Sunday dawned a bit later in room 8 as we left Joanne asleep for a wee bit as she was going to be doing all the driving homewards..... As we were awakening one of our lovely band of ladies text to say her car had broken down and she was waiting for the A.A....Well thanks nice men from the A.A. not only did you come promptly followed them to Penrith where the fault appeared again and organise getting our lovely friends Moira and Kirsty home but you conveniently did a change over at the very services we were stopping at and we were lucky to have a wee catch up with the girls before we all made our way back up into Scotland and home....

I am now safely home in bed resting and smiling after doing a brief show and tell of all my purchases including the wonderful dresses from Gretna outlet ... and I can say that Rob approves of them all...

Oh and to top of an excellent bargain filled weekend I found waiting a nice wee parcel through the post of a dress which I bid on last week, won and well as it was only £1 and £3 package and postage... so I tore it open to find a label still attached Debenhams classic, a nice chiffon dress with burgundy piping swirls embroidered on...  which when tried on also fitted perfectly.. wow I am becoming the bargain queen must be getting lessons from my lovely Mother-in-law Janet.  

And crash....................

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