Tuesday 20 March 2012

lol a wee aside post here....

Tatting is harder than I thought but have managed to get the thing to flip wooohooo one day hope I can make something like this

And not all steamers are the same doh I know but for goodness sake I am used to putting one layer on then the next and the last when its time for each one...this only needed some for thought not a mountain of headaches... my new steamer has 3 different size baskets which stack, and for some reason the smallest basket goes on the bottom..... OK I am no engineer but I thought if you were stacking things for stability you put the biggest at the bottom and moved up..... nope... so not only did it take for ever to get the stuff in the baskets and them to slot together properly I didn't realise that I hadn't got the correct veg in the bottom one... so some is too soft and some is a bit too al dente.... oh the joys of cooking

The offending steamer

Oh and so we are having romanesco tonight....

not had it before but looking forward to the experience... do you like it?


  1. That's a complicated steamer!
    A lady at my old church used to tat during the services. I had thought it was a lost art - nice to see someone picking it up.

    1. lol thanks but if you saw my attempts you wouldnt think I was picking it up yet...lol


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